• Finally, your website is online. Your web designer made it pretty for you. The colors and photos are just right. You have agonized over it. You have asked for last minute changes, then you asked to have the changes changed. Then, you asked for more changes. At last, you were happy, and now your website... ⇒

  • Millions of websites have become less and less visible to millions of people. Is yours one of them? If you don’t have a responsive website, it might be. More people are viewing websites today on mobile devices than ever, requiring mobile-friendly websites. There are more mobile devices sold today than desktop computers. Today, mobile internet... ⇒

  • Do you want to improve your website? Let's face it. Most websites are poorly designed. If you want more visitors, leads, and sales, you must improve your website. Step #1 - Chose the right website platform You do not want a website design that is not appealing. This will turn visitors away, and you will... ⇒

  • Ask yourself: “Is your website about you or your audience?” People only care about themselves. I know it is harsh, but it is true. When someone goes to your website he is only there because he wants something for himself or for someone he cares about. He doesn’t care about you. He wants an answer... ⇒

  • Do you have an outdated website? Many website owners, wrongly believe, that a website is forever. Websites, like anything else, must be updated. More importantly, websites need to be updated regularly. If you don't remember when your website was designed or updated last you are way overdue for an update. Your website, if you want... ⇒

  • Do you want a super successful website? There are about 1 billion websites in the world and most of them are unsuccessful. Why? Because they miss the following components: Know your audience. The look and feel and the content of your website should be influenced by your audience. The most successful websites understand their audience.... ⇒

  • Are you tired of being a jack of all trades? If you want more clients, less competition, and greater profitability, there is a better way. It is focus. Targeting vertical markets allows you to better focus on potential new customers. It allows you to really specialize, focus on your clients and their industry. As a result... ⇒

  • Keyword Content Great content writing consists of a unique and useful blend of information that your customers find useful, along with keywords that get your site to the top of the search engine rankings. Placing relevant keywords into unique content is a good start in winning the race to the top of the rankings but... ⇒

  • A report published by the National Association of Realtor's in 2012 states that 90% of people buying homes used a search engine during the buying process. This, coupled with the fact that 52% of activity on a real estate website comes from a search engine, cements the importance of SEO for real estate agents. Search... ⇒

  • What is the right website marketing strategy for your business? Every day that passes in the internet age makes effective website marketing strategies more imperative. In the last couple of decades, successful businesses have learned that they must respond to internet marketing trends and understanding strategies like email marketing, content marketing, conversion rate optimization, and... ⇒