
You want a website that benefits your business, right?

The Rockefellers didn’t need a website to build their oil empire, but only because websites did not exist back in their day. If those savvy captains of industry started out today, they will likely recognize the value of a website and start drilling in cyberspace. Despite websites proving to be invaluable business tools, a lot of businesses, particularly the smaller ones, have yet to catch this wave of opportunity. If your business does not have a website yet, you might be interested to know why it would be beneficial to your success.

Below, we’ll talk about five benefits of having a website for your business.

1. Visibility

Customers today tend to do a lot of online research about companies, their products and services before proceeding with a purchase. If your products and services cannot be found online, then these won’t figure into any customer’s consideration. Having a website lets people see what your business is all about.

2. Your Rankings

Being aware your customers’ questions is half the battle. To direct customers to your site, you can optimize your website for their questions. Haphazardly listing search terms you want to be found for will not do. A carefully designed blend of optimized content, relevant links, and a brand name customers wouldn’t mind engaging with will make search engines recognize your business as a leading authority. This improves your chances to appear right on top of the search rankings, and on top of customers’ radars.

3. A Sales Tool

Even though most websites don’t do ecommerce, they are still all about sales. A website is a sales tool, and a powerful one at that. Your website is a place where your customers can get the information they need about your products or services. It lets you engage customers on a more personal level. If they have questions, concerns, or feedback, you can immediately address them all in one fell swoop. It can instill confidence in your brand, and allows customers to reach a more informed purchasing decision.

4. More Authority

Customers want a company that is reliable and trustworthy. These are the main factors they consider whenever they gauge your authority. Having a website leaves customers with this impression. It tells them that you will be there when they need you. A website can show customers that all they need from you can be found in one place. If they need information about your products or services, your company, and your activities, they can rely on your website. All of these give you an image of authority.

5. Your Email List

Email marketing is one of the most cost effective ways to stay in touch, educate, and sell. Yes, even with all the hype about Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, email is still a more effective marketing tool than social media platforms.

Email is your friend. Unfortunately, most businesses do a poor job collecting emails. A website makes building your email list so much easier. Collecting emails will be much faster, and gives customers an incentive to sign up to your email list. Having a trusted site allows you to build that email list.

These are just five of the many benefits of having a website for your business. Keep these in mind when you’re deciding on designing your website.