In today’s market, every business needs an online presence, which means that they also are in need of an IT company. How does an IT company ensure that they are the one who gets the business? It starts with having a relevant and catchy website. When you are busy growing a business the last thing you want to have to worry about is designing a website. Being the top IT company begins with a solid website, and your local San Diego web designer can help make sure your website is both alluring and professional. Use these tips as a starting point to propel your IT business.

Leave Your Mark

Everything about your website should have your brand on it.  Branding is one of the most important parts about selling yourself as a company. In IT it’s especially important to develop and promote a brand. Many times IT professionals are the people behind the business. So in IT is particularly important to have a visual representation of your business. Your website is the best way to represent your brand. Every page should have some form of your IT company’s brand on it. Consider having an “about us” page where you can tell your company’s specific story, and what makes you better than your competitors. Make sure your logo is on every page and is consistent across every platform you use. You could have your web design company embed your logo in a specific spot in each of your web pages. Having a solid logo and branding will cause your consumer base to associate those images with your services, which draws in more customers for your business!

Be Advantageous With Media

Skip the boring music players and pop up windows. Those forms of media are overused and often times annoy visitors to your website. Use media in an innovative way. Try running your testimonials through a loop on a flash player at the top of one of your pages. Consider using widgets on your page to help people connect to your social media sites. Promote your social media pages on your website, because social media is the real way you are able to engage your customers. Talk with your website design professional about how to make the most of a minimal amount of media. Using media wisely can get the attention of your visitors and cause them to really take your company seriously. Overusing it can drive people away.

Go For the Obvious

Make sure that your website has all your business’ vital information, such as; hours, location, a list of services you offer, and directions to your business. It’s likely you know these things need to be on your website, but many websites are void of these things. Make sure these things are in obvious places so your visitors don’t have to hunt for them. You might also include helpful links where users can find additional information about things going on in the IT world. Make sure all the information on your pages is consistent and pulling towards one main goal, which should be to create customers out of visitors. For this reason, it is important to have a call to action on every page. People visiting your site may have come for information, but you can convert them to customers, with information that is appropriately placed next to a call to action.

Imagery and Mobile Compatibility

Images often create emotional connections for people. Good use of vibrant images can create a draw to your business. You need to make sure your images aren’t just randomly placed stock photos. Use vibrant and relevant images throughout your website to help drive every point home. As with the rest of your website, make sure the images are mobile friendly. Broken image symbols on a mobile device, as with any web page, look unprofessional. Especially in the IT field, you need to be abreast of the latest visual trends. It’s also important to the success of your business to ensure that all elements of your website are mobile compatible.

Sometimes You Need Fresh Start

If it’s been a while since you’ve updated your website in the IT world this can spell disaster. As an IT professional you are expected to keep up with internet trends. You may have been too busy trying to grow your business to really stay on top of your website design. Instead of trying to reboot an old design, it may be best to scrap the old and start fresh. There are people whose sole purpose is to design and maintain your website. Think of it like painting over that wall that has always been ugly. A new website is like a fresh coat of paint in the virtual world. Hire a San Diego web designer to scrap the old boring outdated version and add some fresh paint to your business.

You’ve worked hard to build your business. Building a solid online presence is a foundational part of any marketing strategy. Don’t leave this important element to chance. Hire a professional San Diego web designer today. This will ensure your business has a formidable presence in the online marketplace.