
Do you dream of having a popular website that drives new business?

You can have a website that helps you get new leads, more sales and grow credibility. The sad reality is that most websites do none of the above. They don’t get your more sales, more customers, and do little to get you more credibility.


What does it take to get your website noticed?

Make your website more than a brochure.

A brochure website is far from a marketing engine that will accelerate your business. Listing your services, your address, and a press release from five years ago is not going to get you anywhere. A website that works for you must be dynamic. It has to change and evolve. The only way to move your website forward is by adding relevant and unique content, frequently. The emphasis is on the uniqueness and frequency of the content you are adding.

If you want to improve your website, Contact us today.

What’s the best way to add new content?

Start blogging today. According to Hubspot websites with blogs get twice as many inbound links and 50 percent more traffic. Inbound links are very important because they tell Google that you have quality content and your website will move up in the rankings, hopefully ahead of your competition. The result is more traffic, and that’s what the online game is about. The websites with more traffic win.

Comment on related blogs.

Identify blogs related to your field and comment there. You don’t have to go crazy and spend hours a day doing this, but spending 20-minutes at a time regularly can have a huge positive impact on your website. When you comment on other blogs you get exposure to the readers of the blog. You can make new connections. In addition, most blogs allow you to include a link back to your own site. The new links can help you with more click through traffic and improved search engine rankings.

Create and email squeeze feature.

It’s not enough to have a “Sign up for our newsletter” section on your website. Let’s face it, very few people want to sign up for yet another newsletter. Give people a good reason to give you their email address. Use an email squeeze feature to maximize the number of emails you collect.

Offer premium content for those who sign up for your email updates.

Premium content like special reports, studies, and white papers will help to establish you as the go to expert in your field.

Show testimonials.

I can’t believe how few websites have customer testimonials. Your prospects trust your customers more than what you say about your business. Customer testimonials build instant credibility. Your website should have testimonials in at least two areas of your website.

1. On your home page. Yes, your home page should have at least one customer testiomonial.

2. You should have a “Testimonials” page. The more testimonials you have the better.

Publish on relevant blogs and websites.

Guest posting is a great way to get exposure to new audiences. Many blogs offer a guest posting opportunity.

When your article is accepted you benefit several ways:

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  • Guest posting helps to establish you as an expert. People trust experts and are more likely to buy from them.
  • Most of the time you get a link from the bio or byline section of your article. It helps with SEO and additional traffic.
  • Your work will be read by an audience that you wouldn’t have access to otherwise.
  • You can grow your network as you start interacting with those who comment on your article.


Use effective graphics and images.

Images help you tell your story effectively. Use graphics frequently. Videos, graphics, infographics, charts, etc. are all very effective marketing tools.

If you want to improve your website, Contact us today.