Why Google search results matter?
Even if you have an amazing website, it won’t do your business any good without visitors. And no other place can bring your website more visitors than Google. You can build a solid customer base on consistent Google traffic.
If you rely on online marketing, it’s difficult to succeed without good Google rankings. That’s because most people only look at the page one results. And if your page doesn’t show on the first page, customers won’t find your website and ignore your business.
But, the question is “Why is my website not showing Google search?”
Google rankings require trust, relevancy, and time. So, it’s understandable that a brand new website will not immediately show up in Google search. The longer your website is online the more likely will it show in Google search.
Unfortunately, the age of your website doesn’t guarantee results. For a website to show in Google search, it needs to have relevant content. It also helps to have other websites link to your website.
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- Why My Website Is Not Visible On Google?
- Why Doesn’t My Website Work Without WWW?
- What Should I Do If My Website Is Down?
- Why Can’t I See My Website On Google?
- What Should My Website Be About?
- Can I Use Google Images On My Website?
- Why Is My Website Blacklisted?
If your website isn’t showing up in Google search, it’s because of the following reasons:
- Your website is new, and Google hasn’t had a chance to index your new website.
- There may be technical issues preventing Google from indexing your site. For example, you may be blocking search engines from crawling your website.
- Your website may have been penalized by Google. Penalized websites are removed from Google search results.
- Your website may have a “noindex” setting, discouraging Google from indexing your website.
- Google considers your website untrustworthy.
- The content on your website isn’t valuable enough to be indexed by Google. For example, your website may have pages with automatically generated content or little or no content.
- There is high competition for your target keywords. For example, if you are an attorney, a real estate agent, or selling insurance, you can expect extremely high competition for your target keywords.
Google search is a critical part of having a successful website. And the goal of this article is to help you find out the reasons behind Google not indexing your web pages. This post will help you address the problems preventing your website from showing up in Google search.
Contact us today if you want help with your website or need advice on fixing search engine issues.
Your website may not show up in Google due to Crawling issues
If your website isn’t showing up in the Google search results, it may be because Google hasn’t had a chance to crawl your site. Only after Google crawled the pages of your site can it start indexing them.
You can help Google crawl your website with the following:
- Submit a sitemap file (sitemap.xml) using Google Search Console. The sitemap is a simple file telling Google which pages you want to be crawled. Unfortunately, the sitemap doesn’t guarantee that your pages will show in Google.
- Use the URL Inspection tool in Google Search Console to submit new pages to Google.
- Link related pages to each other. Use <a> tags with an href attribute. Interlinking related pages will help Google crawl your website. Again, this doesn’t guarantee that every page will become part of the Google index, but it helps.
- Use the robots.txt file to limit the load on your web server.
- Make sure you adhere to Google’s guidelines.
How do I get my website to show up on Google search?
To get your website to show up on Google search, you should:
- Make sure your website is working correctly
- Have your website hosted on a fast and reliable website host.
- Request indexing using the URL inspection tool.
- Confirm that no “Manual Actions” have been applied to your web pages.
- Verify that there are no security issues with your website.
- Check the robots.txt file to ensure there isn’t a noindex directive blocking Google’s web crawlers.
How long does it take for a website to show up on Google?
Although some people claim it may take between 4 days and 4 weeks for your website to show up on Google, it’s really a lot more complicated than that. In reality, it could take 6 months or even longer to show up in a Google search. And some sites never show up in Google search. It’s harsh, but it’s true.
Why is my website not showing up on Google?
Most likely, your website isn’t showing up on Google because it is too new. Recently published websites can take many months to show up in Google.
How do I get my new website to show up on Google?
The best way to get your website to show up in Google search is to submit a sitemap.
What to do if Google hasn’t indexed my website?
If Google hasn’t indexed your website, your should:
- Check Server responses – Your pages should return 200/OK responses.
- Verify your website – Use your Google Webmaster Tools account to verify your new website.
- Publish amazing content – Google indexes and ranks your new website based on the quality of the content. Excellent content ranks higher than copied or poorly written content.
- Link your pages – Interlinking your web pages is an important part of onsite or on-page SEO. You should link all related pages and blog posts to each other. It allows Google to index your website faster.
- Submit your website – The easiest way to submit your new website to Google is to use the “Sitemaps” tool of the Google Search Console. Sitemaps are very important to get your new website into the Google index, but it’s not as important for established sites.
- Build links – Relevant links from related sites to your website make it easier for Google to index your website. Remember that too many links too fast can also penalize your website, so don’t overdo it.
How long does it take for Google to rank your website?
It could take up to 6-months for Google to rank your website. Some report that their new website has started ranking in as few as 3-months. But for most websites it takes close to 180-days to rank in Google.
Why does it take so long to rank on Google?
Multiple factors influence Google rankings:
- Competition – More competitive keywords take longer to rank for.
- Website age – New websites take longer to rank for keywords than established websites.
- Website content – Low-quality website content won’t help your website rank for competitive keywords.
- No incoming links – If no other websites link to your website, it will take longer to rank for your target keywords.
How long does it take to rank 1 in Google?
It could take 3-years for your website to rank 1 in Google for a competitive keyword. It could take a couple of years, even if your goal is only to get on the first page of a Google search.
How fast can you rank a new website?
You can rank a new website for keywords in 3 to 6 months. But, it may take 2-3 years to rank a new website for highly competitive keywords.
How can I rank my website faster on Google?
You can rank your website faster on Google by publishing high-quality content on your website. It’s best to target less competitive keywords when you try to rank a new website. For example, it is better to try to rank a new website about web design for “San Diego web designer,” “real estate agent website,” or “ecommerce web design” than “web designer.”
That’s because “web designer” is much more competitive than the previous target keywords. Therefore, ranking for the keyword “web designer” will take much longer than “San Diego web designer.”
How can I tell if Google has indexed my website?
You can easily tell if Google has indexed your website. In the Google search window type “site:yourdomain.com”

Google will show you if your website has been indexed. The image below shows that 221 pages of webene.com have been indexed.
You can also check if a specific page has been indexed using the following command:
site: webene.com/marketing

How can Google find my website?
Google can find your website in many ways:
- Sitemap – Submit a sitemap on the Google Search Console
- Publish – Publish original and high-quality content related to your target keywords. It’s important to publish regularly and continuously. It’s not enough to have a few web pages with a few hundred words of content. You must publish long content if you want Google to find your website. Web pages that rank for highly competitive keywords often have 2000-words of content.
- Optimize – Optimize your website for your target keywords. Use optimized H1, H2, and H3 tags. Include your target keywords in the URL of your pages. Use keyword optimized “alt tags” for every image on your website. Use optimized page titles. Always start with your target keyword. Every page should have a unique and keyword optimized title.
- Link – Create relevant links to your website from relevant external sites.
- Share – Share your web pages on social websites such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
- Google My Business – Submit your website to Google My Business. This is especially effective for local SEO.
- Get verified – You can submit your business to Google Search Console and Google Maps.
Is getting indexed in Google the same as Google rankings?
Having your website indexed by Google doesn’t mean that any of your pages will appear in the search results. Although Google indexing and ranking are the same, the two are closely related. Your web pages won’t appear in any search results without getting indexed first.
The first step in ranking your website in Google is to have your website indexed. Only after a page has been indexed can it start moving up in the search results.
It could take months or even years for competitive keywords to move up to the first page of Google search results.
- Relax – It’s perfectly normal for a new website to start ranking slowly. A new website could take 6-months to start ranking for relevant keywords. The best thing you can do is to continue to improve your website content while you wait for Google to index and rank your website.
- Publish content – Continue to publish relevant content. The only way to rank organically is to publish plenty of high-quality content. Publish articles that are no fewer than 1000-word long. And if you try to rank for more competitive keywords, publish articles above 2000-words long.
- Get links – Build external links to your website to improve your Google rankings. It’s best to get relevant websites linking to your website. It’s also important to interlink your web pages. In other words, link your related pages to each other.
Hopefully, this article will help you understand the basics of getting your new website in the Google search results.
Do you need help getting your website in Google search?
You have a problem if your new or established website doesn’t appear in Google. And it won’t fix itself without expert help. The team at Webene is trained to help you with Google search issues.
We can help you improve your site, optimize your pages, and enhance your content.
Our SEO division can help you with any of the following search engine related issues:
- Establishing current SEO status
- Evaluating website content and structure
- Keyword research
- Local SEO optimization
- Website optimization for optimal search engine rankings
- Content review, optimization and development
- SEO training