• You want an easy to use website, right? A primary goal of a website owner should be to have an easily-navigable layout. You will want visitors to stay on your website and find everything that they need quickly. To make sure that the visitor knows where and how to get desired information, you should use... ⇒

  • You want a domain name that stands out, right? When you are considering creating a website, you will need a place to host the site and a name for your website. While the process of obtaining these two are easy, choosing is difficult. In fact, choosing the perfect domain name is a long-term investment. This... ⇒

  • You want to increase your website conversion, right? If your business is getting a good amount of traffic, but the visitors are not engaging with your website, the traffic is nearly pointless. This means that your website's conversion rate is low. You want your visitors to go beyond simply viewing your website. What you want... ⇒

  • The more mistakes you make with your website the more business will you lose. If you are going to succeed in business, it is because of the foundation you are laying. Your website is part of that foundation. But, most businesses do a poor job when it comes to their website. They are doing it... ⇒

  • By now, you must know that social media marketing for attorneys is an increasingly important tool to gain new clients. It is pretty much impossible for any firm that wants to be taken seriously to avoid the major platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. These days it is expected that you maintain an active... ⇒

  • You want more website traffic? Here are the SEO mistakes you must avoid. There is a lot of conflicting information about effective SEO techniques available on the web. It can be difficult sorting out which methods work and which don't. The ways search engines index websites are changing so rapidly, that there is a lot... ⇒

  • What is the best way to drive more traffic to your website? Now you have done it. You have a useful and well designed website. Can anyone find it? When your customer search for your products of services can they find you? You can't just sit back and wait for your site to boom in... ⇒

  • What does it take for an attorney to stand out? Many new lawyers face an uphill climb in establishing their practices. Clients looking for representation typically value experience and reputation above all else. No matter how intelligent and talented you are, it is an extremely competitive industry that is not especially welcoming to new blood... ⇒

  • How to make inbound marketing work for your business? Inbound marketing has proven to be one of the most successful ways to grow a healthy and sustainable client base for many different types of businesses. The basic idea behind this type of promotion is that you create unique and valuable content that relates to your... ⇒

  • What does it take to create a user friendly website for your law firm? More and more of the business we conduct takes place virtually, which means that your online presence is typically the first thing people see when they encounter your business. Having an outdated or confusing website is the best way to lose... ⇒