Millions of websites have become less and less visible to millions of people. Is yours one of them? If you don’t have a responsive website, it might be. More people are viewing websites today on mobile devices than ever, requiring mobile-friendly websites. There are more mobile devices sold today than desktop computers. Today, mobile internet usage is much higher than desktop usage.

Related post: Why Does My Website Look Bad On Mobile?

You might remember the times when many companies ran out to buy .mobi domains because they thought their websites would be invisible to the world of mobile devices. Consider yourself lucky if you didn’t jump on the bandwagon. Now, if you hire the right web designer, you can have a website that works well on mobile and regular computers.

Welcome to Responsive Web Design (RWD). RWD is a fancy word for people in the web business. It really means that your website adjusts to the device it is viewed on. If you are on the road at a trade show and you want to show someone your website on your iPad, your website will display according to the device. You don’t have to tell people to view the mobile version of your website.

Even Google likes RWD. They consider RWD as the industry best practice. RWD doesn’t require multiple domains. It saves you on registration, design, and maintenance costs. RWD is the natural progression of web development. It is necessary because mobile devices are here to stay, and you have to make sure your site displays correctly in all of them. Mobile devices introduced a much wider array of screen resolutions. Websites must have the ability to adjust to whatever display size we throw at them.

Contact us now if you need help redesigning, optimizing, or updating your website.

RWD is a web design approach aimed at designing websites that respond to the user’s behavior and environment and provide an optimal viewing experience. This new approach includes flexible grid layouts, images and media queries to provide easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling – across a wide range of devices – from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones.

Mobile devices also utilize an array of different platforms. An obvious solution would be to develop a mobile application for your company. Developing mobile apps for every app store will get costly very quickly. RWD will solve this problem. Responsive web design uses media queries to find out what resolution the device’s screen is and will adjust to it.

See responsive web design in action:

Be sure to view the sites in desktop/laptop browsers and mobile devices to see the difference. You can also just open these sites on a desktop browser, slowly making the browser thinner and wider. You will see the layout adjust to the browser’s new width. Try making the browser as skinny as the resolution of a mobile phone, and you will see how the site adjusts to mobile devices.

RWD offers flexibility because it will adapt to whatever display size it is viewed. It also provides consistent fonts and colors regardless of the device. RWD helps with your search engine optimization efforts. Google likes it, and they encourage people to have such websites. If Google tells you RWD is good for you, do not argue with them. RWD saves you time and money. You no longer have to spend money on building and managing multiple websites.

If your website is in need of a face lift or you are in the market for a new website, make sure you ask your web designer about responsive design. Your clients will thank you.

Contact us now if you need help redesigning, optimizing, or updating your website.